Ce site est une étude sur le pays ETAT-UNIS, je reconnais la grandeur du peuple américain, depuis ses origines en tant que chrétiens religieux qui a plu à Dieu. Derrière la haine des Américains, c'est Satan. LONG LIVE AMÉRIQUE!! (Par historien Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
TheBritish America The climateof social instabilitythat threatened theEnglish monarchyin the lateseventeenth century,was crucial to themass emigrationof Englishmento the landsof the NewContinent.Thisoccurred at the timeof the Stuartsand introduced himself asapossiblesolution forboth sides.
Since the beginning ofcolonization, theU.S. territorywasdivided into theregions ofNorthand Southin the southwere establishedproduction centers fortropical products,monocultureson large estatesand slaveseeking toexport.Thenortherncolonieshadanautonomous development,based on the productionon small farms,in industries withwage laboranddomestic trade.
Capital accumulationoccurredwithin the colonyfavored the emergence ofalocal bourgeoisie.Withthis,the Americansmanaged toworkin foreign trade,the so-calledtriangular trade. (By: Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
The Aztecs,also knownas Mexico,inhabited theMexican highlandsand reachedits apogee inthe early sixteenth century,precisely thetime thatcoincides with the arrivalof Europeansto the continent.TheAztec nationdominatedthe Gulf of Mexicoto the Pacific, reachingas far as Guatemala.
Its capital wasTenochtitlan andhad their originin theToltecs.The formationof the Aztec empirewas givenfrom theallianceof somecity-states, forexample,Texcoco andTlacopan.The Aztecswere awarrior societyand itspriestswere thehighest authority, sincethe emperorMontezumawas considered ofdivine origin.
Regarding theeconomy,the Aztecsbecameanagricultural people, althoughhunting and fishingpracticeswerewidespreadenoughthatpeople.TheAztec societywas rigidlydivided: thepipiltinwere representedby the nobility,composedby the royal familyand priests.Simplestmembersof the tribes,calledmacehualtin, it wasmilitary serviceand pay taxes.The lowest layerof the population wasformed bytlatlacotin,kind ofslaves.
The Aztecswere polytheists, andQuetzalcoatlas the godmost revered.They mademanysacrifices, especiallyusingblood.